[TenTec] Omni 6 tuning drag

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at tomorrowsweb.com
Fri Mar 11 20:45:25 EST 2005

The slip clutch arrangement works just fine if the knob is set up 
properly to begin with. It has been used on a number of Ten-Tec rigs.

An interesting excercise is to take the knob totally off so that you can 
see how the clutch works and its range of motion. Then set it so that 
the two clutch pads are as retracted as possible and then reinstall the 
knob pressing in to the point just before the pads begin to cause drag. 
You can now add additional drag by holding the slip ring with one hand 
and turning the knob with the other.

Now one thing I will mention. I personally don't like any drag myself so 
all my Ten-Tec knobs are set loose. However I don't know about the 
previous owner of my Omni-VI Plus, I do know that the main encoder 
bearing is shot and that I had to install a new encoder and they are 
expensive! I suspect the more drag you set the more wear this bearing 
will endure. Just a thought.

Jerry, KG6TT

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