[TenTec] Omni-D ALC light

Scott Sheppard scottsheppard at videotron.ca
Tue Mar 15 17:29:25 EST 2005

I am by no means an expert but I would think the actual  increase in power 
was very little as Ten-Tec advises going beyond the threshold of the ALC 
light results in very little power increase...how much difference (in watts) 
did you see? I'm curious as I have an Omni as well (C).
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Byron J Watts" <bjw at byron.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 5:21 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Omni-D ALC light

> I've heard alot of people say this about a lot of rigs, keep the ALC
> light (or meter) low or off... Well my particular Omni-D doesn't seem to
> have a problem.  I should note before i say anything else that i'm
> driving it from a car battery with ample size wiring, there's no
> possibility of power supply overload ;)  So, like a good little boy i
> kept my drive down enough that the ALC light flickered once in a while.
> Well, as i figured, one day i was workin on 40 meters and the station
> could barely hear me, so i cranked up the drive a little bit, my average
> reading wattmeter (read: pathetic, built into MFJ 941D tuner) was now
> well over 100w on voice peaks, the ALC light was almost solid on, and I
> figured I was splattering everywhere, but i finished the contact. Later
> i found a good strong station and asked about my signal quality, drive
> way up still.  There was no splatter and i guess i sounded ok.  Neither
> contact was hugely overly long, but the heatsink didn't even get warm
> when i drove it that hard.  I don't even have to worry about it up on 20
> meters, the ALC light almost never flickers up there (i assume becuase
> it's more efficient).  Anyway, my question is, how much ALC should i
> allow, do i rely on signal reports?  I don't have an amplifier of any
> kind so crankin up the drive is the only tool i have when the band is as
> crappy as it is.
> 73 de KC0NPF
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