[TenTec] Wireless Remote Control of Jupiter or Pegasus

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 23 23:11:54 EST 2005

Mark, this message was the reason for the moderation. 
References to auctions or auction sites, eBay in particular, are 
strictly prohibited per the
rules of the list.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

Mark Erbaugh wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 11:14, doc wrote:
>>They are popping up on the market at prices similar to the eBay
>>item, $125. for a matched pair including all accessories.
>I didn't check out eBay - that price is within the realm of reason.
>>Could a tone be sent via the audio side of the 2.4GHz link and be 
>>detected, amplified, and used to activate a relay for the DC power?
>If you are talking about just putting a relay in the 12 VDC line, that
>has the problem that the Peg or Jupiter doesn't like to have it's 12 VDC
>turned on and off. The power on circuit has inrush protection that lets
>the voltage stabilize before applying power to the microprocessor.  I
>think that circuitry would have to be duplicated.  I really liked the
>design of the old (now) Kenwood TS870.  Somehow, the unit would respond
>to a serial port command to turn on and off.  Obviously, something in
>the radio was still awake even when the power was turned off.
>>>3) this is nit picky, but in the US, the using an unlicensed device to
>>>supply transmit audio is in violation of FCC amateur regulations which
>>>prevent (execpt in specifically authorized cases) retransmission of audio
>>>from other services. Presumably this device works under Part 15 which
>>>constitutes another service.  The same restriction applies to using cordless
>>Once acquired by a Ham and used by a Ham on a Ham band does
>>it not become a Ham device?  (Same as using a commercial UHF
>>rig modified for 440 for repeater control?)
>Maybe I misunderstood the intent. I thought you would still be using the
>modem as a Part 15 device.  If you convert it to ham band operation
>that's a different issue. However, you would then need to be concerned
>about the receive audio. If, for example, you tuned in a SW broadcast
>signal or any other non-ham signal it would not be legal to transmit the
>receive audio back to the remote site as that would again be an illegal
>retranmission of another service.
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>TenTec at contesting.com

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