[TenTec] Omni C mods

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at tomorrowsweb.com
Mon Mar 28 23:29:13 EST 2005

I had my Omni-C station for 23 years. I deeply regret trading it, but we 
don't always make great decisions. I kept a look out for mods over the 
years and never really saw anything that I thought would noticeably 
improve the transceiver's performance. Let's face it.... Ten-Tec had 
several models before the C came out so plenty of time to work out the 
'rough' spots. I left my Omni-C stock except for adding the additional 
crystal filters and of course the remote VFO which was a hoot!

Oh, there is one MOD I do recommend. There is a gentleman that sells a 
VFO stabalizer kit that works with the Omni-C line of PTO's. It is going 
to cost you about $80 but will literally stop the drift inherent with 
this generation of rig. Of course you can let the Omni sit for about 30 
minutes, but even then it drifts a bit.... mine in the other direction. 
I researched this because I like to operate PSK. If you are interested I 
can find the link and send it to you.

Jerry, KG6TT

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