[TenTec] Burned at the bay. The real story.

OTAKEBI@aol.com OTAKEBI at aol.com
Wed May 11 11:51:08 EDT 2005

IMHO that auction site and others like it are causing the death of one of the 
most fun parts of HAM radio.
As many of you know, if you have been to any Hamfest lately, they are getting 
smaller and smaller.
The days of hands on buying of used equipment from fellow Hams is becoming a 
thing of the past and good old eye to eye horse trading a dying art.
Getting together to meet radio friends that you only knew as voices over the 
air is a thing of the past.
When you try to make "big" money over something you enjoy doing you destroy 
the real reason you like doing it.
Some of the people selling at those auction sites are not even HAMS fellows 
and the ones that are making the "real big bucks" are the ones that run the 
auction site.
And, you get surprised when you get jammed?
The same rig you bought at auction probably would have cost you less at a 
Hamfest or even on EHAM.
Why not wait to buy and sell where you can meet in person and see feel and 
touch what you are going to spend or make your money on.
So, happy bidding fellows.

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