[TenTec] Burned at the bay

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at tomorrowsweb.com
Wed May 11 12:38:12 EDT 2005

I just did a PTO rebuild on a Century 21 that I got off eBay. Yes, I 
knew up front that the PTO had problems before I bid on it. Got the 
rebuild kit from Ten-Tec which basically replaces every small part that 
wears or deteriorates and they did! Took me about two hours to complete 
the rebuild. The hardest part is getting the old grease out of the parts 
you are keeping. Follow the instructions and it goes smoothly.
Jerry, KG6TT

D Carlisle wrote:

>I recently bought a 580 Delta on Ebay also.  The
>seller said it was in excellent condition.  When I
>asked him if the PTO needed to be rebuilt, he said
>that he didn't know that there was anything wrong with
>it. Of course all of these auctions state no warranty.
>The PTO has backlash and also slips in spots.  The
>notch control makes a horrible crackling sound when
>turned.  The rig looks more scratched up than you
>could tell in the pictures. And it has an audio
>oscillation.  When you switch the usb/lsb/cw control
>there is a large pop which most of the time results in
>a continous high pitched tone with the S meter going
>to S9. And of course I got in to a bidding war so I
>paid much more than I would have like to.
>Ok...looking for some advice...
>I guess a PTO rebuild is pretty much par for the
>course for a used Tentec.  I've never done this
>before. How hard is it?
>Will a shot of Radioshack contact cleaner be fine for
>the notch pot?
>I'm figuring the audio oscillation is probably due to
>a dried out aluminum electrolytic somewhere from the
>product detector dual gate mosfet to the audio
>I'm thinking of replacing all of the miniture aluminum
>electrolytics with tatalums and the rest of the
>electrolytics with low ESR panasonics from digikey. 
>I'll start with the dectector and audio boards and see
>if that takes care of the oscillation and do the rest
>when I have time.
>I haven't even tried to transmit.  I figure I should
>replace all of the electrolytics first in case
>something shorts and blows a device in the process.
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