[TenTec] Dream Radio One.......Unveiled at Dayton ??

Ken K7ZUM Ken.Knopp at verizon.net
Fri May 13 10:25:31 EDT 2005

Hi All,

         I have heard a rumor that  Computer Radio has a prototype of there
"Dream Radio One" and will be unveiling it at this years Dayton, supposedly 
next to the Icom booth. I have done a search on "Dream Radio One's"
web site, and see no mention of the prototype, just a very vague reference
to two "top notch receivers" Am curious if anybody else has heard of the
new rig ??

        And btw, if all this is, is just a rumor, my apologies to all for spreading it !

     But then again, on second thought, if there is no prototype as of yet for all
of use to "oggle" over, perhaps they can take a page out of Yaesu's presentation
from last year, and just bring a cardboard box cutout, with a clear plastic cover,  
with  maybe  some "claimed blue sky specs"  
so we can all drool over what we might be  missing ??

73.... Ken...... K7ZUM

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