Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Thu May 26 23:23:29 EDT 2005

I think also if the sub-receive had a more accurate s-meter other than the
bargraph that the AM broadcast signals could tuned in a lot better.  I use
the Inrad #762  600hz filter along with the TT 250HZ filter and find them to
be quite useful for cw.  I have done A/B tests turning on and off the
filters in the presence of stronger signals off to the side and there is a
considerable improvement in blocking adjacent sigs.  Depends on how you are
going to be operating.    Toby  W4CAK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py at earthlink.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] ORION'S TROUBLES

> Ascani,
> In using the Orion for AM braodcast reception, the filter bandwidth is 2
> times the displayed value.  I recommend using the 3 khz filter setting for
> AM, since this is really 6 khz.
> As far as roofing filters are concerned, the standard filters are all that
> is necessary for good Orion operation.  The 1.8, 500, and 250 add almost
> nothing to normal operation.  The DSP filters are quite good along with
> standard built in roofing filters.  Some have found that a small
> can be obtained by changing the 1 khz roofing filter with the inrad 600
> hertz filter.
> Best 73,
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> Franklinton, North Carolina
> n4py at earthlink.net
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ascani Adriano" <adrianoascani at virgilio.it>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:23 AM
> Subject: [TenTec] ORION'S TROUBLES
> > The ORION manual says:" IF crystal filters standard, 15 kHz, 6 kHz, 2.4
> kHz, 1.0 kHz; --three others optional, 1.8 kHz, 500 Hz and 250 Hz."
> > someone, who has added the 3 optional filters, can tell me if they are
> usefull, and which is the necessity to add 1.8kHz between 1kHz and 2.4kHz
> filters already existing.
> > Is normal that the SUB-RX, in BROADCAST BANDS, if a STATION transmits
> example  on frequency kHz 17.535, i start to listen it from  17.529 to
> 17.540/17.542 KHz. That doesn't happens with my JUPITER and with my
> TS 430 S (23 years old) ???
> > Sometime to center a Broadcast  exactly i need the help of Jupiter or
> Kenwood!!!!
> > Mistery: the broadcast spacing frequency is  5 kHz, and this radio make
> listen in an interval of  10/12 kHz.??
> > May be i am starting now with ORION, but i think is too complex to
> and at end with it you can do only the same things that a rig  costing 3
> time less permits to do too.
> > For now, my happiness in buyng thi radio is down, hope better in
> future...Hi
> > Many thanks to Tentec contesting community.
> > IZ6FWF
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> >
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