Martin, AA6E martin.ewing at gmail.com
Tue May 31 16:39:11 EDT 2005

Some people have trouble with BCI on the Orion, but most people don't. Of 
course, if you've got it, it's important to you.

What would be very helpful, at this point, are some simple engineering 
tests. I.e., see how much BC voltage input (at various frequencies) is 
tolerated w/o Rx problems. If possible, compare with other rigs. Some of us 
have good test gear that can do this easily.

Until we get data, there's not much more to be said, IMHO. 

73 Martin AA6E

On 5/31/05, CATFISHTWO at aol.com <CATFISHTWO at aol.com> wrote:
> as a new owner of an orion, I have been following some discussions on this
> reflector.... I see some of the dissatifaction some folks have for the 
> radio.
> ...

martin.ewing at gmail.com

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