[TenTec] Paragon on RTTY

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Fri Nov 4 10:41:11 EST 2005

To enable the FSK mode, press SHIFT and then CW.  All mode indicators will 
be out.  This provides 170 Hz shift with 2125/2295 Hz tones.  I wonder if 
the stations you are having trouble receiving are using AFSK with a shift of 
200 Hz?  Some do.

There is a specific alignment for RTTY transmit.  It does require an 
accurate frequency counter capable of measuring to 1 Hz or better.  Measure 
the frequency at connector 46.   The complete procedure is found on page 
6-65 of the manual I have.

RTTY (shift CW) transmit with mark/space low, adjust C6 for 9.000875 MHz.
RTTY transmit, with mark/space high, adjust C10 for  9.000705 MHz.
RTTY receive or LSB, adjust C4 for 9.003000 MHz.
USB, adjust C7 for 9.000000 MHz.
CW transmit or TUNE, adjust C9 for 9.000700 MHz.

There may be some slight interaction between the adjustments thus I suggest 
going over the sequence 3 or 4 times.  Also, they >MUST< be done in the 
specific order as outlined above.

Although you can switch modes between AM, USB, LSB and CW while monitoring 
WWV that does not indicate that the BFO's are correct.

Hope this helps.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vic Klein" <vhklein at ptd.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 8:39 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Paragon on RTTY

> I have a very nice 585 Paragon that I recently decided to run some RTTY
> with. I am connecting with a Kantronics KAM to the Mark/Space jack on the
> rear panel to run "true" FSK, and selecting RTTY (shift-CW) as the mode.
> Everything is working well except I seem to need to offset the receive 
> +200
> Hz in order to receive stations I am working. This happened with 3 
> stations
> in a row and, even though they were all using AFSK (sound card output to
> their mic jacks), I believe I may have some problem here. I should note 
> that
> my Paragon is dead on frequency receiving USB and LSB. I can switch from 
> AM
> to either sideband with no change in tone listening to WWV, for example, 
> and
> never get a report that I am off frequency otherwise.
> I looked to the need to perhaps adjust the RTTY BFO, but I see that C4 
> also
> adjusts LSB receive, which is doing fine. Am I missing something here? Is 
> it
> just a factor of working "true" FSK vs. AFSK? Thanks.
> =Vic=
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