[TenTec] QRP (warning TROLL post)

k9wwt@sbcglobal.net k9wwt at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 25 00:38:19 EST 2005

>I have a job and other duties so when i get time to operate i want to make 
contact rapidly, instead of spending the evening tuning, listening, calling,
and maybe never working anyone because condx weren't just right,<

Well said Rob.  Especially right now with conditions as poor as they are, it 
is hard enough to maintain a good QSO with 100 watts or more.  I have had 
very enjoyable hour long CW QSO's running 1200 watts with an AL 82.  Why? 
Because the other guy can hear me well and even be tending to other things 
and not loose his copy due to QSB.  When it stops being fun, it stops being 
a hobby.  Keep up the good work and always keep all meters to the right!


                                                     George K9WWT

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