[TenTec] Beverage Kits

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Oct 8 09:24:27 EDT 2005

	I have a few Beverage kits left over from my
"How to hear the weak ones" talk at SEDCO last week
(Ten-Tec Hamfest).  With the low-band DX and N2XE
Beacon season fast approaching, now's the time to
improve your hearing ability on the low bands.

	The kits are $10 shipped First Class and include
simple instructions, 9:1 matching transformer (for 50 ohms
coax feed) and 2W noninductive termination resistor.  The
transformer can easily be changed to 6.25:1 (for 75 ohm
coax feed).

	You supply the real estate (suggest minimum 125'
on 40m, 250' on 80m or 500' on 160m in desired direction),
wire & supports, ground rods, insulators, coax, weather
protection, etc.  Don't be an alligator on the low bands this

				73,  Bill  W4ZV

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