[TenTec] Orion II Frequency Response Graph

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Thu Apr 20 00:22:19 EDT 2006

> It depends on how it is used.   If a rig is designed so 50 hz 
> is 18 db down 
> from its plateau, and it gets blasted by +16 db or so at that 
> freq. from an eq. in an attempt to compensate, then that's 
> forcing audio past various type filters (dsp & analog), 

I agree comletely from the point of view of whether or not there's enough
distortion-free headroom to actually do it.  Theoretically it's certainly
possible; practical possibility is another matter altogether.  I never meant
to imply that it was a non-issue, or that attempts at extreme levels of EQ
would produce a fruitful outcome.  

> be and all that business.  you might cut off your low audio 
> at 200 hz or higher for example (in that case you'd probably 
> also have a narrower b/w rig anyway).

"Or higher" is the operative phrase :-)  I would simply like to see the same
selection range and response in v2/II that was in V1.  There is a choice, of
course -- but rather than the 50-300 Hz range on the menu, it's actually
about 230-430 Hz.  Sort of a "thin and thinner" situation.  For a 3800-3900
Hz HF cutoff, you really need the LF cutoff point in the 100-115 Hz range.

AM is a different story, and v2/II can be EQ'd easily to sound quite good
combining TX EQ and some tweaks on an external processor to add some boost
around 220 Hz and some rise in the response for presence.  It's voice
dependent, of course.


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