[TenTec] On being a contrarian

Douglas Shock douglas.shock at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 15:06:59 EDT 2006

Seems like he might have read the news group as he suggested potential
owners do. I thought it was spot on the money. I do agree though that this
same review technique should be applied against other vendors as well
though. It's just a shame they started with the Orion which I don't think
tentec deserved.

On 8/1/06, K4IA at aol.com <K4IA at aol.com> wrote:
> Well said.  I just thought the review was out of character with  the
> normal
> positive slant you see in QST reviews.  If QST is initiating a  new policy
> of
> critical reviews, I am all for it.  But if the reviewer was  just in a bad
> mood
> when he wrote this review, then it is unfortunate.
> k4ia
> Craig  "Buck"
> Fredericksburg, Virginia USA
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