[TenTec] On being a contrarian

Ron ron at morell.us
Tue Aug 1 14:17:08 EDT 2006

I read the New York Times once.  Found it to be opinionated and not
particularly news worthy.  I'm not a republican.

First time I've read the reflector in a while and am still grinning at the
number of contrarian posts.  I am currently using the ORION II with N4PY
software and Radio Shack Titanium headphones.  Absolutely love this radio.
Best thing since sliced bread.  Never locks up, receiver never gets swamped,
the AGC doesn't pump, the frequency is reasonable stable, the transmitted
audio is good, frequency agility is more than adequate.  In order to find
things to irritate me, I have to read it on the reflector and then work to
set up the radio to duplicate the fault.  Never seem to find the problem on
my own.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of William Addams
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:03 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] On being a contrarian

I just wish the review had more technical detail and guts in it.
Too much "refer to the reflectors" mentioned.
Rather than doing a real detailed analysis.
It is funny though, through all of the not so positive stuff they mentioned
through out most of the article, bottom line thoughts in the end of the
article was that it is the best thing going today. Even though it isn't
$10,000, still the best radio there is. And no, it isn't for an un-achieved
ham or wanna-be, such as myself, yet in the hands of someone who really
knows how to drive it, it picks out and copies signals others can't even
begin to hear.
Again, it all comes down to the knowledge of the driver. Someone certified
as a tricycle specialist shouldn't approach a Hummer. Yet they do, and

"Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com> wrote: What a hoot.  I'm loving
this.  You guys sound like a bunch of Republicans
who have just finished reading the New York Times.    Let's see, QST  was
gooey-gushy positive (and no one complained when they reviewed the Orion 1
did they) but now that they have changed that (but apparently with the wrong
rig) they are unfair.   I guess we need to start a "fair and balanced" ham
magazine to review rigs that will bash all the JA rigs and gush over the Ten


rob / k5uj

gooey-gushy positive you have to read between the lines to get a hint of the
This article was out of character in that it emphasized the  negative and
sniped about a lot of picky issues. You had to read between  the lines to
the truth but the overall feeling was very negative.>>>

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