Ronald Hands rhands at mountaincable.net
Tue Aug 8 07:55:24 EDT 2006

w8au at sssnet.com wrote:
> Anyone familiar with WU telegrams, Military messages, AP and UPI 
> teletype news, etc knows that they were all done in CAPS.  Saved 
> using the "shift" key, and lower case was not necessary for message content.
  This was done because they were working with primitive technology, not 
because of any inherent virtue in all-caps messaging. 
  Any time saved by not using the shift key at the AP office was lost 
many times over at newspaper copy desks where editors had to laboriously 
mark each of the capitals before sending the stories for typesetting.  I 
know; I was one of those long-suffering copy editors.
 Newspapers long ago discovered that all-caps headlines were hard to 
read.  As far as I know, they've all abandoned that style.  Internet 
users should follow suit.

-- Ron

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