[TenTec] [QRP-L] Help Selecting a Directional Antenna

Dave Heil k8mn at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 21 23:14:16 EDT 2006

JC Smith wrote:
> Hi Doc,
> If you are willing to spend a few bucks, I don't think you can beat the
> StepIR (http://www.steppir.com/).  It's like having a monobander tuned for
> every frequency you chose to operate.  They come in all sizes (1-4 elements)
> and there are even StepIRs for 40 - 6 meters.
> Worth a look anyway.
> 72 - JC, K0HPS

I beg to disagree.  You can spend much less and get much more.  The 
Force 12 antennas, the Bencher Skyhawk and, to a lesser extent, the 
Cushcraft X-9 and X-7 should beat the pants off it.  The "why" is that 
the Steppir does nothing about proper spacing.  The Steppirs are, of 
necessity, compromises.  You basically get a trapless antenna with 
proper spacing for 15m.  The spacing is too close for proper 20m 
operation and too wide for proper 10m operation.  You get low SWR but 
what do we know about SWR as an indication of antenna performance?

The Cushcraft design uses a log cell with yagi reflectors and directors. 
  Traps are used only in the directors.  The Force 12 and Bencher 
Skyhawk designs use no traps anywhere.

I haven't seen the Steppir 40m design, but I'm guessing that it is 
loaded somewhere.  If it is, it isn't going to outperform my 2 element 
shorty forty.  If the Steppir isn't loaded, it is a mechanical nightmare.

Dave Heil K8MN

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