[TenTec] Circuit breaker tripping excessively

Craig Roberts crgrbrts at verizon.net
Thu Dec 7 01:42:20 EST 2006

My Argosy II / Model 225 power supply combo began acting oddly tonight.  
On 20 meters and above, the power supply's circuit breaker is tripping 
when the rig is keyed -- even when working into a dummy load.  Antenna 
connections are fine.  This behavior began tonight -- I've never had it 
before and nothing been changed i the station setup.. 

So, it appears that either the current sensing circuit has gone bad or 
the rig really is drawing excess current on the higher bands.  I'm 
baffled. I reset the tripping point in the power supply, but that's not 
the way to fix this.

Any ideas?

Many thanks and 73,


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