[TenTec] V 1.27

James C. Owen, III k4cgy_list at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 21 09:44:53 EST 2006

I downloaded the update file and it installed on the first try.
Did not have to use an older installer. 
   The update is very nice though different from V1.26. I like
the effect the RF gain now has. It works like an RF gain should.
The difference is that the S-meter goes upscale with a decrease
in RF gain and the V1.26 didn't. Doesn't make much difference to
me as the  RF gain now works.
   I haven't tried the keyer so I can't make any comments on
that. The thing I have notice is that the sweep is much
different. Nothing wrong with the way it works just different. In
V1.26 as you reduced the RF gain the height of the pips dropper,
IE really couldn't see any signals. In the V1.27 if the RF gain
is not on 100 then a sweep draws a black bar at maximum. Neither
way did it give a proper indication as it requires full RF gain.
Now for the biggie! Has anyone noticed if you go to RF gain and
adjust it, then do a sweep that you can't go to AF gain or
anyother function until you press anyother key first. It doesn't
require just a second press but a different key, any key except
PBT. If if doing the above you want to go back to AF gain you
must press the RF gain first and then AF gain. Again not really 
a problem just difference.
73 Jim K4CGY

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