[TenTec] Paragon

ve1bn@ns.sympatico.ca ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 15 20:52:32 EST 2006

Jim - K1QCF

Like your dual rig setup, two complete stations....Neat!

Sorry, but I do not have an RS232 board and cable assembly any longer.  I had one but it was sold some time ago to a ham in Holland.  I know they are scarce as hens' teeth.  Wish I could help you.  The RS232 interface board comes as part of the P2.  

The OMNI 6+ has the interface built in, no board required. 
Both the OMNI 6+ and the P2 run at a much higher speed 
(up to 19200 baud) than the original Paragon's 1200 baud.

73 -  Don

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim G 
  To: ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca 
  Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 1:31 PM
  Subject: Paragon

  Don, I noticed in your posting to W6FO that you have the Paragon II.  I have 2 Paragons and have been searching for sometime for an RS232 board.  Would you be interested in parting with your's?

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