[TenTec] Ham Radio

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales at tentec.com
Thu Jul 6 15:21:50 EDT 2006


We're aware of the concerns about firmware.  We discuss these items 
often - it was the first topic of conversation when I came in to work 
this morning.   The only specific comment I'd make now on the 4 items 
below is that #4 is the design of the Orion and Orion II - the receivers 
are not phase-locked together.  There is no firmware change available to 
alter this.

Rob Sherwood has been talking back and forth with us often about the 
direction of the Orion and we provided some alternate beta firmware for 
him to use per his suggestions.

Scott Robbins

Ron Castro wrote:

> The big issues that still need to be addressed are:
>     1).    Auto and Manual notch not in AGC loop.  Specs on the TT website 
> specifically says it is in the loop.
>     2).    Better noise reduction scheme.
>     3).    Crazy S-meter. (I know that 15 MHz WWV can't possibly be S9+60 dB 
> with the preamp off near San Francisco!  That's 50,000 uV or 50 mV.  Same 
> readings on hams with inverted V's and 500 Watts 200 miles away on 75 
> meters)
>     4).    Fix offset between main and sub receivers when set to same 
> frequency. Offset calibration in menu needed as well one to allow 'zeroing' 
> on WWV.
> Is TT working on the AGC as mentioned by Bob Sherwood?  Adjustable attack 
> time would fix the problem he mentioned.
> Ron N6AHA

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