[TenTec] Ham Radio
Ron Castro
ronc at sonic.net
Thu Jul 6 15:22:27 EDT 2006
Thanks much for the update...it is greatly appreciated!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales" <sales at tentec.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ham Radio
> Ron:
> We're aware of the concerns about firmware. We discuss these items
> often - it was the first topic of conversation when I came in to work
> this morning. The only specific comment I'd make now on the 4 items
> below is that #4 is the design of the Orion and Orion II - the receivers
> are not phase-locked together. There is no firmware change available to
> alter this.
> Rob Sherwood has been talking back and forth with us often about the
> direction of the Orion and we provided some alternate beta firmware for
> him to use per his suggestions.
> Scott Robbins
> W4PA
> Ron Castro wrote:
>> The big issues that still need to be addressed are:
>> 1). Auto and Manual notch not in AGC loop. Specs on the TT
>> website
>> specifically says it is in the loop.
>> 2). Better noise reduction scheme.
>> 3). Crazy S-meter. (I know that 15 MHz WWV can't possibly be S9+60
>> dB
>> with the preamp off near San Francisco! That's 50,000 uV or 50 mV. Same
>> readings on hams with inverted V's and 500 Watts 200 miles away on 75
>> meters)
>> 4). Fix offset between main and sub receivers when set to same
>> frequency. Offset calibration in menu needed as well one to allow
>> 'zeroing'
>> on WWV.
>> Is TT working on the AGC as mentioned by Bob Sherwood? Adjustable attack
>> time would fix the problem he mentioned.
>> Ron N6AHA
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