[TenTec] Orion I or II, and Dxbase 2006

RM royalct at inr.net
Mon Jul 17 22:57:49 EDT 2006

Since I help tested Dxbase and wrote a good chunk of the original Orion
control script, I hope that the below information will help those that are
interfacing Dxbase 2006 with either an Orion I or an Orion II.  The below
information applies to either model.  The commanding set is the same for


What follows is the recommendations for having Dxbase control your Orion II
(or Orion I); please note that in setting up the radio from Dxbase's
selections your will see only 'Orion565' scripts and not Orion566 scripts.
This is not a problem, since both Orion models use the same commands).

In Dxbase 2006 do the following setup:

1) Click 'Tools, Options, User Options'

2) Click the 'Radio 1' tab (or 'Radio 2' if you are planning to use the
Radio #2)

3) In the 'Manufacturer' window select 'TENTEC'

4) Next, in the 'Model' Window select either Orion565 or Orion565-LCW 

(Orion565 script receives CW using the upper frequency and Orion565-LCW
script uses Low CW; many folks prefer LCW, since the tuning knob tunes in
the 'normal direction' for going up or down in frequency-----Using None LCW,
the tuning knob tunes opposite of the frequency change)

5) Click the 'Connect HF Radio 1 Serial Interface' box so that there is a
check mark in the box.

6) for the following boxes configure by clicking until the following
configuration exist:

     DTR High --- No Check Mark

     RTS High --- No Check Mark

     CTS      --- Has a Check Mark

7) In the 'Baudrate' window select 57600  (must be 57600)

8) in the 'Word Length' enter 8

9) In the 'Comport' window select the comport that you plan to use (must
match the computer serial/USB serial port that will be used)

10) In the 'Parity' window select NONE

11) In the Stop Bits window enter '1'

12) If you plan to run RTTY click the method of running RTTY.

13) The 'None Serial Port Type Interface' should have the 'None' selected.

Next, Set up the computer's Serial Port/USB to Serial Port.  I highly
recommend that you 'manually' set up your serial port or USB/Serial device
instead of allowing the computer to set them up.  Most computers will
properly set up their serial port, but my experience with microcomputer
serial ports (30 years worth) is that one is better off setting the ports

Set the serial port to the following values

First select the serial port that you are going to use (must match what you
configured Dxbase for)

    1) Baud Rate ---> 57600 (must say 57600)

    2) Word Length -> 8

    3) Parity -----------> NONE

    4) Stop Bits ------> 1

    5 Flow Control -> None

If you have a choice, some where in the serial configuration you may see
RS232 or RS422/485 as choices, select RS232

If you are using a USB/Serial port device, these usually set themselves up
automatically; if you can check the settings make sure they resemble the
above settings.   Some may allow you to manually set them up; if so use the
data above.  Just make sure that Dxbase serial port entry matches the serial
port number selected by the setup software or by you.



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