[TenTec] "Being a Contrarian . . ."

John Rippey w3uls at 3n.net
Sun Jul 30 09:31:16 EDT 2006

Last evening I looked up the QST review of the ORION II and found 
something of note from a contrarian's point of view:

The close-in receive specs for the "subreceiver" are in the 70 dB range. 
As I understand it, the subreceiver is basically a Jupiter (no steroids 
here). And having read (I believe it was R. Sherwood) someone's saying 
that 70 dB IMD3 is about all anyone will ever need 95% of the time, the 
old Jupiter holds up pretty well in distinguished company.

Happy Sunday & 73,
John, W3ULS

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