[TenTec] Unhappy Orion 2 Owner

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Mon Jul 31 20:28:02 EDT 2006

John, in U.K.
Who knows what the freight carrier did to your Orion on the overseas 

What we do when shipping scientific instrumentation internationally, is to 
upon arrival, inspect the interior for damage, and unplug and reseat all 
connectors, cards, etc.  You might try that and then call Ten Tec for more 
troubleshooting hints.  From several years on this list, your experience is 
NOT typical of Ten Tec Radios.

I have a Ten Tec I have hauled outdoors to USA Field Days for probably 10 
years or more.  It has been rattled in the car, toted in cardboard boxes, 
and even endured a shower or two from rain.  After drying off, checking 
connectors, etc., it always works.


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