[TenTec] Which to buy....
Ron Spencer
ronspencer at nc.rr.com
Thu Mar 2 18:05:39 EST 2006
I find this discussion interesting because whomever asks I generally doesn't
give enough details. Lets take the car analogy. If I asked which to buy how
could you answer? Is it for general transportation? Is it to car pool with 5
others? Is it for the commute but also to double as a track or autocross
car? A different answer for each use.
Same with which radio to buy. Do you want something for casual use? For
chasing DX? For contesting? For the nightly traffic net? Each need calls,
perhaps, for a different rig (personally I think the Orion will fill all
these needs). I'd say almost all (I think all but someone will point out one
that doesn't fit so I'm hedging:) ) radios you can buy today are tremendous
for casual use, for chasing DX and for just every day use. A Pro III,
FT1000XXX, Kenwood 870, whatever you want will meet your needs with flying
colors. Well OK, fix the FT clicks first.
Now, want to chase weak DX, want to contest (which by definition means
crowded bands) then you need something else. I tell my friends that this is
when the Orion shines. Yep, you have to put up with some bugs but you know
what, with flexibility comes complexity. Limit the number of options and
things become simple(r). The Orion, either flavor, is not the radio for
everyone. Not everyone needs, or would appreciate, its capabilities. But if
you want to work the weak ones, want to clearly copy stations on a crowded
band then take a strong look at the Orion.
Good DX
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