[TenTec] Which to buy....
Mary Ann Higgins
mahiggins at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 18:37:36 EST 2006
Ron As someone who has had an 870 @ pro3 I couldn't agree with you
more. Both rigs
are really great. I operate 99% rag chew and nets and the ORION is
more rig than I "really
need" But U know what, I love it! Firmware upgrades and the price
performance, mean I
may never need a new rig ! Enjoyed UR comments. Best Wishes: Ray W1JUS
On 3/2/06, Ron Spencer <ronspencer at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> I find this discussion interesting because whomever asks I generally doesn't
> give enough details. Lets take the car analogy. If I asked which to buy how
> could you answer? Is it for general transportation? Is it to car pool with 5
> others? Is it for the commute but also to double as a track or autocross
> car? A different answer for each use.
> Same with which radio to buy. Do you want something for casual use? For
> chasing DX? For contesting? For the nightly traffic net? Each need calls,
> perhaps, for a different rig (personally I think the Orion will fill all
> these needs). I'd say almost all (I think all but someone will point out one
> that doesn't fit so I'm hedging:) ) radios you can buy today are tremendous
> for casual use, for chasing DX and for just every day use. A Pro III,
> FT1000XXX, Kenwood 870, whatever you want will meet your needs with flying
> colors. Well OK, fix the FT clicks first.
> Now, want to chase weak DX, want to contest (which by definition means
> crowded bands) then you need something else. I tell my friends that this is
> when the Orion shines. Yep, you have to put up with some bugs but you know
> what, with flexibility comes complexity. Limit the number of options and
> things become simple(r). The Orion, either flavor, is not the radio for
> everyone. Not everyone needs, or would appreciate, its capabilities. But if
> you want to work the weak ones, want to clearly copy stations on a crowded
> band then take a strong look at the Orion.
> Good DX
> Ron
> N4XD
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