[TenTec] 400 Hz CW (was: INRAD audio mod helps Omni 6 Low PitchCW!)
Larry Menzel
retire at means.net
Sat Mar 4 11:00:38 EST 2006
That's absolutly true, Bob, in the 70s I spent a number of years driving a
truck. Started by teaching school, but after you've done that and have a
degree in education you're not suited to do anything else. Anyway, quit
teaching and couldn't find a job, so I went back to truckin' as that's how I
paid for college. Anyway, as a result of that experience, I have
considerably less hearing on my left side than on my right. In fact I have
to have a small audio amp inline so I can equalize the signal from the rigs
or the right ear is quite a bit more sensitive, and when listening to weak
signals, I really need the biaural sense to hear well.
By the way, fellas, the small MFJ 616 Speech Enhancer (the ONLY piece of MFJ
in the shack other than their antenna analyzer, a truly great piece of
hardware) is a wonderful assistance for those of us with "unbalanced"
hearing. It really helps both on SSB and CW to equalize the audio from the
radio, enhances the speech power of certain audio ranges and truly works.
If you have a problem like this, you may want to try that piece of gear.
Larry, N0XB
Northfield, MN
(Orion and Orion II enabled)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX" <RMcGraw at Blomand.Net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 400 Hz CW (was: INRAD audio mod helps Omni 6 Low
> In general we do loose hearing in the upper end of the audio spectrum as
> we
> age. Low frequency loss is usually due to certain type of ear illness,
> usually the result of ear infections causing scaring of the ear drum and
> subsequent rigidity. This can also cause certain narrow band or select
> frequency loss more like a notch in the hearing spectrum
> In the US most truck drivers and taxi drivers have more loss in the left
> ear
> due to proximity to noise the result of driving with window down. In
> countries in Europe that drive opposite the US, the loss is in the right
> ear.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck Guenther" <ni0c at earthlink.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 4:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] 400 Hz CW (was: INRAD audio mod helps Omni 6 Low
> Pitch
> CW!)
>> Ron wb1hga wrote: Hi Keith,
>> What "great information" are you refering to??
>> I thought we old farts lose hearing in higher range, not lower. Like
>> me, not hearing highs is great-you don't have to listen to the wife
>> as much anymore.(smile)
>> Ron wb1hga
>> I was kind of surprised to see my original topic (which concerned
>> improvements to the Omni 6) turned into a discussion of hearing loss.
>> Like Ron, I thought aging generally resulted mostly in high frequency
>> loss. And Keith, I'm an OT also-- age 61, first licensed in 1959.
>> 73,
>> Chuck NI0C
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