[TenTec] TenTec Digest, Vol 39, Issue 64

807 807 at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 15 08:32:50 EST 2006

Jim, go to http://www.callsignsoftware.com/index.html and you can pick a
package there.  I often use HamStationExtreme for SWL'ing, which contains
receive and transmit monitor scope, an analog S/Power meter (if you like
those things), IARU beacon logging, etc.  It's almost like having two
transceiver styles, with Carl's N4PY software and Mike's HSE package (not at
the same time, of course).  Both work fine with MixW.

--Terry, K4IQT

> I use N4PY software and I am very happy with it. I do keyboard CW and
> psk31
> using mixw software with N4PY. I also use paddles for QSK CW with N4PY. I
> have writelog software and others, but I never tried callsign. I would
> like
> to try it. How do I get callsign? I do some SWL, like WEFAX using SEATTY.
> Jim FitzSimons W7ANF

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