[TenTec] [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Thu Mar 23 12:15:17 EST 2006

Verrrrrry interesting about the RAM master reset!!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronald Gorski" <R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality

> At 08:50 AM 3/23/06 -0800, you wrote:
>>I would like to hear what their diagnosis is.  I'm convinced now that 
>>there is a problem that effects only some of the O2's...maybe a bad run of 
>>chips from a 3rd party supplier.  My O2, which does not suffer from the 
>>audio distortion problem, was from the first run of units that were 
>>released in December.  This one was returned as a "demo" and I got it 
>>early in February. I think so far there have only been two production 
>>runs, and I wonder if the bad units all came from the same run, or all 
>>have consecutive serial numbers?
>>Ron N6AHA
> I spoke with the service manager at some length. His conclusion is that 
> the problem is not external to the radio. Before returning it, he wants me 
> to do a "RAM Master Reset" followed by the usual master reset. He gave me 
> the procedure. Idea is that, if there has been corruption, it will remain 
> in memory til cleared. This procedure is NOT MENTIONED in the manual. I 
> will try same this evening and then call Paul with the results tomorrow 
> morning.
> 73, Ron
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Gorski" 
>><R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
>>To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
>>Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:09 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality
>>>At 12:19 PM 3/22/06 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>Thank you for the kind comments on the audio.  I should be on 40 meters 
>>>>this evening sometime after 0000 UTC, and possibly as late as 0400. 
>>>>Look around 7165 to 7195, and we can share some ideas!
>>>Sorry we did not have a chance to chat last evening.Got tied up in 
>>>conversation with my friend K5UA . Charles has the exact same audio 
>>>symptoms as I. He sent his O2 back to the factory a month ago. Plan on 
>>>calling the TT service manager today.
>>>Ron N9AU
>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Gorski" 
>>>><R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
>>>>To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
>>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:38 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality
>>>>>At 11:54 AM 3/20/06 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>>Then the problem is probably isolated to the SSM2166 mic preamp chip 
>>>>>>in the A7 section (schematic 81917_9.pdf) or its associated 
>>>>>>components, U201AA or U200A (Main Codec, schematic 81917-6.pdf).  The 
>>>>>>U200A chip could have a problem although it's not in complete failure 
>>>>>>mode, or you would have no receive audio in the speakers.  The 
>>>>>>headphones are fed from the chip that handles the Aux input.
>>>>>>My first course of action would be to look at all the cables and 
>>>>>>connections from the back of the mic connector through to the A7 
>>>>>>board, and all associated connectors and cables to and from that 
>>>>>>board, plus 'the usual suspects' like bad solder joints, etc.  If 
>>>>>>there is nothing obvious, then a trip back to Dolly Parton Parkway is 
>>>>>>Ron N6AHA
>>>>>Ron, my initial observation (listening to internal monitor) was that 
>>>>>driving the AUX mike input produced significantly better transmit audio 
>>>>>than using the front panel 8-pin connector. On-the-air tests showed 
>>>>>that this was false. The harsh (raspy) edge was still present on voice 
>>>>>I heard you chatting on 40m last evening. Your audio is outstanding 
>>>>>(must be the $17 mike). Would have called but band went south. Also had 
>>>>>a chance to view your web site. Interesting comments. Also viewed many 
>>>>>many comments from Orion I owners.
>>>>>Saw a few comments indicating past problems withe the TT switching 
>>>>>supply. Suspect that the regulator circuitry was susceptable to RF. 
>>>>>Just for grins, I swapped out the supply with a Lambda. Also wrapped 
>>>>>the DC cord to the radio on some ferrite.  By far, you have the best 
>>>>>sounding O2 that I have heard (you have become the default "standard").
>>>>>Would very much like to chat with you on the air. Specifically, I wish 
>>>>>to pick your brain for RFI related issues. The only ground connection 
>>>>>to radio is through coax (tied to ground rods at base of tower) and the 
>>>>>AC mains ground pin on the amplifier. An electrically short groung wire 
>>>>>is not possible. I've not had RF issues with other radios.
>>>>>Let me know if an on-the -air test is possible. Thanks for your time.
>>>>>Ron N9AU
>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Gorski" 
>>>>>><R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
>>>>>>To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
>>>>>>Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11:19 AM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality
>>>>>>>At 11:03 AM 3/20/06 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>Another question---can you check if the distortion is also on the 
>>>>>>>>Aux input as well?  If it is not, that narrows down the problem 
>>>>>>>>quite a bit.
>>>>>>>>Ron N6AHA
>>>>>>>Funny you should mention that! I have an old electret mike with an 
>>>>>>>equalizing pre-amp. I connected same to the AUX input last night 
>>>>>>>(just because I didn't have an 8 pin cable made up). I set the aux 
>>>>>>>mike gain at 50 and adjusted the pre-amp output til I had plenty of 
>>>>>>>ALC action. Turned up the monitor to near max so as to pick up any 
>>>>>>>audio flaws. The audio (at the monitor) sounded GREAT. Switched back 
>>>>>>>and forth between the Heil (connected to the front 8 pin connector) 
>>>>>>>and the electret and the difference was substantial.
>>>>>>>I have yet to check this with an on-the-air report.
>>>>>>>Ron N9AU
>>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Gorski" 
>>>>>>>><R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
>>>>>>>>To: "Ron Castro" <ronc at sonic.net>
>>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 10:30 AM
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality
>>>>>>>>>At 09:01 AM 3/20/06 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>A couple of questions:
>>>>>>>>>>--Have you tried a Master Reset?
>>>>>>>>>Yes, I have performed master resets following firmware updates. The 
>>>>>>>>>TX audio issue has been with me since day 1.
>>>>>>>>>>--Can you hear the raspy sound in the monitor?
>>>>>>>>>Yes, I can hear it in the monitor. Doesn't matter what user setting 
>>>>>>>>>I have nor the type of microphone. TX into antenna same as TX into 
>>>>>>>>>a dummy load.
>>>>>>>>>>--Can you hear the raspy sound in another receiver?
>>>>>>>>>Yes, another receiver sounds same as the monitor. Audio is 
>>>>>>>>>intelligible.........just not world class.
>>>>>>>>>>--What happens if you turn down the mic level control to the point 
>>>>>>>>>>where the ALC light is not flashing?
>>>>>>>>>On-air reports indicate some improvement when gain is reduced to 
>>>>>>>>>low level (35). The improvement is not, however, significant.
>>>>>>>>>>--What power supply voltage are you running and how much does it 
>>>>>>>>>>dip at the rig connector under key-down, full power?
>>>>>>>>>I am using the TT 22A continuous supply. I have no voltage monitor 
>>>>>>>>>>I heard another O2 user over the weekend who's audio sounded 
>>>>>>>>>>distorted, but since I was just getting ready to leave the house I 
>>>>>>>>>>didn't have a chance to talk to him.  If I run into him again 
>>>>>>>>>>(he's usually around on 75 at night) I'll see if I can get an idea 
>>>>>>>>>>about what might be causing his problem, and report it back here.
>>>>>>>>>Please do. I think there are more of us out there. I am starting to 
>>>>>>>>>think that there may be a hardware problem with the audio board.
>>>>>>>>>73, Ron
>>>>>>>>>>Ron N6AHA
>>>>>>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Gorski" 
>>>>>>>>>><R.Gorski at Astronautics.com>
>>>>>>>>>>To: <orion at contesting.com>
>>>>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 6:32 AM
>>>>>>>>>>Subject: [Orion] O2 Tx audio quality
>>>>>>>>>>>I have received reports of a raspy edge on all voice peaks. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>does not appear to be RFI related nor is it affected by TX EQ or 
>>>>>>>>>>>roll-off settings or the type of microphone used (condenser mike 
>>>>>>>>>>>or heil
>>>>>>>>>>>GM-5). I know of one other O2 owner that has experienced the same 
>>>>>>>>>>>His is at the factory for troubleshooting. Are there others?
>>>>>>>>>>>Ron N9AU
>>>>>>>>>>>Orion mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>Orion at contesting.com

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