[TenTec] 2.033

CATFISHTWO at aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Wed May 3 23:57:07 EDT 2006

I guess I am not up to par on the Orion mystique. 
 I turn on my Orion ( original style) using 1.372 and in a contest I  just 
push buttons and twist knobs till it works best for me.  I do have  some semi 
severe hearing loss and by the end of the day on ssb I have the bw  around 2400 
or a bit less, and the pbt at usually just -10 or -20  I set  the tx at 2700 
or 2850 and low end roll off at 150 or 160 speech processor at 5  or 6 mic at 
30-35 and run it all to the alpha 87a.
I don't consciously  set  the Orion there, but at  the end  of a couple hours 
of contesting this is what works.  
I do some CW work occasionally  ( I have 1.8k and 500 filters in ) and  
usually run the cw end at BW of 300 or 400 and the tone is set at 700.  I  do some 
psk31 and on rtty I set the bw to like 500 and pbt to around 1500.   works for 
I suppose I may be doing this all wrong ( I play with the agc, , and set  the 
rf gain at 65 or 70 and the audio level up, ) but it works for me.  I  find 
that settings like this make the folks in a contest sound like they are all  
setting 5 kcs apart and just waiting for me in search and pounce. in a run mode  
I open the  ssb BW up a little for hearing folks off frequency a bit.
for dx I do what ever I need to hear them best.  I am amazed that  between 
the Orion, alpha and steppir or gap Voyager, depending on band   that I can work 
"esp" dx consistently and with great satisfaction.
so I don't understand how the dsp works ( and really don't care)  I  use the 
radio to do what I need.  I have 8 years in the air force in  ecectronic 
counter measures, so I know which end of the soldering iron to hold,  but I only 
build now and then and don't feel like studying to play radio, so I  really just 
"use " the radio. 
 I don't know if this makes me an appliance operator, ( I have built  heath 
kits in the past, like the 2 m HT they used to sell) but the eyes don't  work 
so well and the hands shake a bit so SMT is  just difficult and not  fun.
I guess I understand most of what the radio does, and I have 8 other hf  
rigs, and probably 9 or 10 ht's and 8 or 9 mobiles, among other assorted  junk.  I 
am enjoying " MY HAM RADIO" experience, and I guess that is all  that really 
( first licensed in 1978 at the fcc office in San Francisco) so I am an  
official extra light  eligible for membership in the Quarter century  club..
 tom N6AJR

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