[TenTec] If you ground it - it will come!

Paul Gates, KD3JF pearly732003 at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 22:58:05 EDT 2006

The professionals would not agree that my grounding is successful but I have a copper bar behind my desk and all equipment is grounded to the bar which is connected to #8 wire to a 8ft ground stake. I unplug everything my coax antenna has a connection as it comes in the room so I disconnect there and the antenna coax stays out side. After all that I have good insurance! Also disconnect the or I should say unplug the phone . 
About six years ago I got a lightening strike and it got my phone and computer but did not touch the HF transceiver or amplifier! I don't remember for sure but do not think I had anything unplugged The rig was switched to the dummy load on the tuner.
Paul, KD3JF
Glen Burnie, MD
FM19qd (Map Grid Square)

----- Original Message ----
From: "Wilson, Russ" <Russ at deckernut.com>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 3:45:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] If you ground it - it will come!

Jus'thoughts but, I suspect "IT WILL COME" regardless if it is grounded
or not.
The rhetoric here (http://members.cox.net/pc-usa/station/grounding.htm)
is vastly similar to the ARRL's recommended practices which all but
duplicate DoD & FEMA's EMP directives (three manual set)...  I fully
agree that nothing can protect a station from a direct-hit however, on a
near hit or close miss - the best you can hope-for is to minimize your
damage.  My personal choice is to follow these mythologies <and cross my

de W8KI,

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