[TenTec] Firmware 2.59d .... differing opinions should be solicited... don't you think?

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Sat Nov 4 18:45:03 EST 2006

 >> With all due respect Jerry, it's postings like yours that in itself
> > tend to polarize the issue. By this I mean that your posting can be

>> seen to make a concerted effort to "debunk" firmware problem reports
>> made in good faith by knowledgeable users.  We all need to give a
>> little space to each other, and leave open the possibility that
>> there's some truth in what is being reported.

And your truth is the only truth? Unfortunately that is not my 
experience, nor is it the experience of a close friend who also uses an 
Orion... and finally version 2.059d. It is unfortunate that since I 
don't totally agree with  some Orion related user findings that I must 
be 'debunking' those findings of other knowledgeable users. Have you 
considered that I may also be a knowledgeable user (I do have my EE in 
RF, analog, digital electronics with history as senior engineer in this 
industry.... 30 plus years experience... and an amateur operator for 
over 40 years)? Maybe what I was proposing was simply that in day-to-day 
operation and use issues which may seem very important to some may not 
be that important to others? ..... that perhaps it would be useful for 
each Orion owner to try for themselves. The reason for my 'polarizing' 
comment stems from the fact that regarding this particular reflector it 
seems virtually impossible to express an opinion that somewhat differs 
from certain outspoken individuals without having the 'facts' presented 
once again.

Please don't think that Ten-Tec engineers do not periodically review 
this and other Ten-Tec related reflectors you. They do. But simply 
posting  reflector comments and suggestions, regardless of the posting 
individual's level of commitment and belief, does not guarantee that 
others fully agree or that there isn't more to that story. Perhaps it is 
merely a matter of timing?

If 2.059d is so horrible then why are many Orion owners enjoying it 
every day? I have access to all the firmware versions and I spent some 
time testing the later versions of 1.3x. There were definitely things 
that I liked as well as things that I didn't. The same with version 
2.059d. However, Ten-Tec is not going back to the version 1.x code base 
for future firmware development, so any future changes will be based on 
the current 2.x versions. My personal decision was to commit to using 
what they are working with and working on. That way, to my thinking, 
what ever I do experience will be more directly useful. And as I stated, 
I enjoy the Orion as configured with 2.059d more than I did under the 
version 1.x firmware choices.

Finally when ever I see the words "with all due respect" I know that 
there is none... and that is too bad.

Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
ARRL Member & VE
FISTS 12304

788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533

kg6tt at arrl.net

510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAX

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