[TenTec] Adapting PTO style Ten-Tec transceivers for FSK

Mike Hyder -N4NT- Mike_N4NT at charter.net
Thu Nov 23 10:21:35 EST 2006

Perhaps it would help you to remember that the PTO's have a line which 
offsets their output by some 10kHz when operating 10 meters, at least in 
the Triton and black Omni rigs, perhaps others.  I don't remember why 
they do this but they do it.  You might use this input to the PTO to 
accomplish what you seek.

73, Mike N4NT
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Volpe" <kg6tt at arrl.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Adapting PTO style Ten-Tec transceivers for FSK

| I've done a preliminary search of the Internet on this subject but
| surprisingly came up dry....
| Does anyone have notes describing successful modifications for the PTO
| style transceivers?
| And yes, I know about AFSK but I'd prefer to avoid it. I recently set 
| my Orion for FSK and would like to modify one of my other transceivers
| to incorporate FSK. I suppose it might be as easy as providing a
| calibrated voltage control to a small varactor operating in parallel 
| the one used for RIT/XIT.... yet you would also have to unbalance the
| balanced mixer to insert carrier OR operate in CW mode without the
| normal CW offset taking effect. So although simple in concept adding 
| creates some interesting challenges. So wondering if anyone tackled 
| in the past.
| Happy Turkey Day to all!
| Jerry, KG6TT
| Fairfield, CA

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