[TenTec] Vertical radial question

Lee A Crocker lee_crocker at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 20:25:36 EST 2006

<the best advice is to keep them even on all 
side regardless of the total amount used.>

Why is this the best advice?

The whole point of a ground mounted radial system is
to couple into the ground and provide an effective
path for return current back to the shield of the coax
that was induced into the ground by the vertical
radiator.  It is a means to reduce loss and increase
system efficiency.  Less current lost in ohmic loss
means more current is expended in radiating the

Very long radials (like multiple wavelengths) in a
given direction can influence the pattern of a
vertical a little bit (or even a lot in the case of
salt water), but at 15 to 30ft I doubt it makes any
measurable difference.  If it were me I would put
about 20 radials as long as possible around the
vertical with fewer in the shorter directions and more
in the longer directions.   
73  W9OY

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