[TenTec] New Orion Owner
george fritkin
georgefritkin at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 29 22:16:56 EDT 2006
I was never a TenTec have owned two rather ordinary
ones. But after reading specs I also took the plunge.
I have many radios. In a word it is the best!! By
the way 1/2hour and you will an ORION menu expert.
--- k8jdc at sbcglobal.net wrote:
> Well, I took the plunge today and ordered a
> "pre-loved" 565AT from our friends in Tennessee.
> It should be here sometime next week. I had hoped
> to drive down to the TT hamfest for the first time,
> but I wasn't able to skip out of work. I've never
> owned a TT radio before and have been reading about
> them for quite some time, especially the Orion and
> Orion II. I'm certainly looking forward to getting
> it here and playing with odd-named things like
> "hang" that I've never messed with before.
> I've got a copy of the manual, so I'm going to try
> and read through it (again) before the radio gets
> here. I don't have a mic that will work with the
> Orion, so I also ordered a 701 hand mic just to get
> me going.
> I'm certainly happy that TT is an American company
> and that they've really designed a great-performing
> radio with a modern DSP/SDR architecture. I'm happy
> to support them and hope they're around for a long
> time. And I'm not just saying that because I want
> them to keep improving the software, either,
> although that thought had crossed my mind. :) I've
> read through the reflector and through the reviews,
> so I'm prepared for some software glitches and other
> warts and plan on just taking them in stride while
> waiting and hoping that TT can continue to improve
> the software.
> Just thought I would share a little of the
> excitement...
> 73
> Dave / K8JDC
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