[TenTec] Darth Vader sounds

James C. Owen, III k4cgy_list at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 15:01:45 EDT 2007

Hi Larry,
   This is common in the Argosy and others. Been a while since I
had an Argosy II but mine did it also. The muting circuit has a
transistor that turns on when transmitting that takes the
receiver audio to ground. Since an on transistor never has quite
zero resistance it lets a little audio through. I don't know if
there were any mods to take care of this. I just lived with mine.
Too bad the Argosy doesn't have a monitor circuit, if it did you
wouldn't notice this.
73 Jim K4CGY
--- larry sorrow <ke4itn at otelco.net> wrote:

> No response from my previous post. Maybe it got caught up in
> the mix. I own an Argosy II. When I xmit in SSB, I hear myself
> in the headphones (Kenwood HS-5) I hear myself in the
> headphones and it sounds like Darth Vader from Star Wars.
> Anyone with any ideas of what's causing this?
> 73
> Larry KE4ITN
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