[TenTec] Off Topic, sort of

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Tue Aug 21 22:59:23 EDT 2007

They had one down at the four days in may qrp gathering at dayton

it's not bad looking at all. in fact, it has a much better fit and  
finish than the K2

the k2, to me at least, always had that homebrew look to it.

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop
J e e p
Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a  
large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced

On Aug 21, 2007, at 7:34 PM, John Rippey wrote:

I'm wondering if others have found the photo of Elecraft's
forthcoming K-3 to reveal an ugly radio? Is the color really some
sort of tepid yellow/brown with what appear to be parts bin front
panel controls?

It seems to me over the years that Ten-Tec has paid a lot of
attention to appearance/ergonomics, and both the OMNI VII and the
Argo V rate very highly in my book. (A TS-870S is not bad, either.)
Part of enjoying ham radio is having a pleasant experience using the
rig, and from the looks of it, you may have to get past the looks of
the K-3 before you can enjoy it.

John, W3ULS
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