[TenTec] Ten-Tec commitment to customers...
Jerry Volpe
kg6tt at arrl.net
Fri Dec 14 18:54:01 EST 2007
[Gosh Grant you have mellowed out a bit... I have about three years
worth of your emails on this subject. You weren't always so forgiving.
:). ]
Anyway I received a lot of email on this topic so I know I am not alone
by any means. Thank you all.
What do I want? Clearer communications from Ten-Tec to the owners I
suppose. Let us know what to expect and when we might expect it....
perhaps let us see a summary of what has actually been reported and the
proposed response/priority. As a consumer I believe it is important to
know what you have paid for... what is possible... what is likely... and
when the firmware is essentially 'done' so we can decide whether or not
we have the value we expected.... should we keep the transceivers or
perhaps more on. As an RF and computer engineer myself... with a pretty
solid understanding of the problems inherent to emulated circuit
design... I know better than to expect perfection. What I experience is
mostly good.... very good... but then there are the times when my Orion
goes off to some other place... when it madly clicks in my ears to let
me know it is faithfully responding to each and every one of my outbound
'dits' and 'dahs'... when my head pounds trying to decipher one signal
from many others in a pileup because the AGC is too compressed.... when
I experience actual hearing fatigue (migraine headaches) after several
hours of Orion time when I have absolutely no issue with my Omni-C,
Triton IV, Corsair II (all the OLD, obsolete, Ten-Tec designs from the
80s). Yes, some of you state that you share some or all of my
experiences or even issues of your own discovery... some of you say you
have none of these issues and completely satisfied. I can accept any of
What do I really want? To be able to express my viewpoint on a reflector
read by others who use the same equipment, even when my viewpoint goes
somewhat against what some others may be experiencing.... and have my
comments accepted as just... my own... from my experiences even when
they differ from yours.
73 to all!
Jerry, KG6TT
From: "Grant Youngman"
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what you guys want. 1KW tranmitter
firmware? dc to light receive firmware? CW decoders? A driver for your new
52" plasma display? Teleportation technology? Fully automatic contest
participation? Menu selectable cabinet colors?
Seriously, there are still some things all of us would like to see
"improved", depending or whether your point of view is that something is
broken, or "it doesn't work the way I want it to and I paid for it to work
THE WAY I WANT IT TO", or I couldn't break the pileup because I couldn't
hear the guy (and you think you would have heard him on something else?), or
If you believe spending a few more kilobucks on some other radio will take
you to Nirvana, then you haven't owned many radios.
And if you have a grumble about actual support, then you also haven't owned
many radios from other vendors.
Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
FISTS 12304
788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533
kg6tt at arrl.net
510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAX
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