[TenTec] USB Serial Converters

Martin AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sat Feb 3 13:02:42 EST 2007

I've been using a Keyspan USA-49WLC 4-port unit for some time.  No 
problems, even works with Linux. (Well, it did until the 2.6.18 kernels 
came out!)

These units are physically very nice for wiring control.  You only need 
1 USB cable from the computer instead of 4 bulky serial lines.  I 
install the 4-port unit near my rigs, which are somewhat distant from 
the CPU.  You can install a USB hub and as many 4-port serial units as 
you want, close to your rigs or other peripherals.

73 Martin AA6E

Rick Williams wrote:
> Well I'm about to upgrade to a new computer.  It seems that these days not
> only are serial ports scarce - so are PCI slots.  At the moment I'm
> controlling my Orion, Argo V and digital PTT with serial ports.  In
> addition, I'm operating a lot of other gear with a 4th port through a
> 4-position switch (LP-100, Icom HT software and my Palm).
> I've been looking at a 4-port USB to DB-9 serial adapter by USBGear.
>       http://www.usbgear.com/usb-four-port-serial-adapter-rs-232.cfm
> .. and the SerialGear:
>      http://www.serialgear.com/4-Port-Serial-USB.html
> No doubt there are others out there.
> Does anyone have any experience with these 2 products or a RECOMMENDATION on
> another USB to RS-232 box.
> Thanks.
> 73, 
> Rick 
> Website:  http://www3.telus.net/ve7tk  
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