[TenTec] O2 Sweep

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Wed Feb 7 22:23:45 EST 2007

I have never seen any difference in performance of the radio with the scope 
on or off, and like you, I don't find it all that useful.  That may be 
because I have never had a radio with a band scope before.  It would be nice 
if TT came out with an accessory scope that looked and functioned as well as 
the ICOM's.  I haven't heard any recent word about when such a unit might be 

      Ron N6IE
(Formerly N6AHA)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry DiGioia" <listacct at longwire.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: [TenTec] O2 Sweep

> Can I assume that the sweep in the O2 uses some processor power, and
> therefore, if it is turned off, frees up the processor for better
> performance of "more important stuff?"
> I am just not real impressed with the usefulness of this feature. I do
> see the following on the TT site:
> "This new processor also provides the horsepower for a future planned
> "HIGH SPEED SWEEP" accessory."
> Can anyone describe what that is about? Thanks.
> -- 
> Larry  N8KU
> w w w . l o n g w i r e . c o m
>    100% CW     100% HF
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