[TenTec] ORION and Inrad 762 vs Orion II CW selectivity and tone

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Feb 17 12:45:18 EST 2007

 >My Orion II is 2.059 software.
The Orion (not Ver 2) is 1.372 software.

         Ken I believe you mean 2.037j for Orion II,
because 2.059d is the most recent V2 version for
the original Orion.

 >But do not construe my comments as any kind of negative on the 
Orion II.  It is
fine.  They are both fine.  My comments are more
as being surprised by how great the  "older" Orion with the 762 sounded in
comparision.  These receivers have great front ends.

         The analog front ends are identical if
you have an Inrad 762 installed in Orion.  That
combination was essentially the prototype for the
new roofing filter scheme used in Orion II.

         Many of us who have used an original Orion
for some time prefer 1.373b5 over 1.372, but the
latter has nearly the same functionality (a major
change in RF Gain and AGC Threshold integration
was done at 1.372).  If you are keeping both rigs,
you might try 1.373b5 and see if you like your
original Orion even better when using it.




                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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