[TenTec] QUESTION on AD-1 Headset Adapters for Heil Boomsets

Lee Armitage LEE at GJ.NET
Wed Jan 10 08:03:34 EST 2007


Many thanks Duane as I have two 8 pin Yaesu adapters already.

I sent this question to info at Heil.com last night at 10:23 PM. One minute 
later, at 10:24 PM Bob Heil answered and said to call Donna at Heil 
618-257-3000 and she would take care of the adapter. The best customer 
service I have ever seen!

I will ask Donna if the Yaesu 8 pin works on the Orion II.

Thanks again and 73,
Lee Armitage N0LYW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duane Calvin" <ac5aa1 at gmail.com>
To: "'Lee Armitage'" <LEE at GJ.NET>; "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" 
<tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] QUESTION on AD-1 Headset Adapters for Heil Boomsets

> I'm not positive, Lee, but I believe the Yaesu adapter works for the Orion
> II's 8-pin connector.
> 73, Duane
> Duane Calvin, AC5AA
> Austin, Texas
> www.ac5aa.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Lee Armitage
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 11:14 PM
> To: Ten Tec List
> Subject: [TenTec] QUESTION on AD-1 Headset Adapters for Heil Boomsets
> Orion II just arrived and unable to use Heil boomset as I lack the correct
> adapter.
> Does anyone know of the part number (or how to buy) of the correct Headset
> adapter, 8 pin, Orion II for Heil Boomsets?
> I have the AD-1-TR Heil adapter that works for the Orion I with the 4 pin
> mic socket, but cannot find the correct Heil adapter for the 8 pin mic
> socket for the Orion II.
> Anyone using an Orion II with a Heil boomset has already solved this one,
> but I am stumped.
> I looked on the Heil website and could not find what is needed.
> Thanks and 73,
> Lee Armitage N0LYW
> 970-234-8989
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