[TenTec] QSK - was Omni VI vs Orion

Merle Bone merlebone at charter.net
Thu Jan 18 20:19:20 EST 2007

Like so many other Orion capabilities, the version of firmware used in the Orion makes a significant difference in the QSK performance.  I have also run tests similar to the ones that Martin's (AA6E) website discusses. Using an S9 carrier I see a narrow window of receive, running V1.373b5, between code elements (Dits) up to about 30-31WPM, similar to Martin's results (That is with the full 199 Filter taps). With the V2.059d I measure the same narrow window of receive up to about 20-21 WPM. There are significant performance differences between the V1 firmware and the V2 firmware.  I agree that your definition of QSK performance (Between code elements - between characters - between words) will change how/what you perceive as the QSK performance. 
73 Merle - W0EWM

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