[TenTec] Orion/O2 Drift Problem-who is interested in a fix?

Carter, K8VT k8vt at ameritech.net
Tue Jan 30 13:54:30 EST 2007

Ron Castro wrote:

>  The stock radios drift about 20 Hz (15 MHz WWV) in the first 10
>  minutes, then very slowly correct themselves to the starting point
>  over a period of about 3 hours, plus they tend to drift with shack
>  temperature.  I often hear Orions on the air, especially on the TT
>  Sunday net, and very often they are 20 Hz low in frequency.

Well, I guess you've exposed me as a Luddite!

20 Hz!!!???? Even when running RTTY with 170 Hz shift, I don't recall 
worrying about 20 Hz.

When I was a freshly minted Novice, my dad gave me his rig (it gave him 
a good reason to get a new rig for himself). The receiver was a 
BC-348...and its dial calibration was every 100 kHz--- 7.0, 7.1, etc.

Times change and I guess we worry about stuff because we can.   Now if 
you'll pardon me, I've got a buggy whip that needs to be polished. <grin>


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