[TenTec] Tuner Manual ? Model 254

MICHAEL SOUHRADA wb9iog at msn.com
Sun Mar 11 16:22:29 EST 2007

HF find today.
Walked by this table and this little box looked at me with tail wagging.
Buy me! It said.
I noticed the orange dot. It's Ten Tec, but what?  I never ever saw a 254 
Well it came home with me after brief haggling not quite sure what I 
Did some web searching and found it is a tuner and what a nice one. Not much 
on the web but found what I needed to know for now.
Opened it up , no burned nibs, or other damage etc. Looks like a keeper and 
paint matches my Omni VI+! (Knobs made it look more like a Corsair II).

But, no manual. I understand there is a 2 or 3 page document on this that 
I'd like
to have.
Would someone scan it for me to complete the package, might need it some day 
component replacement.
Also was VERY pleased to see it has a balanced line input. With a 20 Watt 
should be great for QRP.


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