[TenTec] Orion II AM Mic Adjustment

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Tue Oct 2 22:28:29 EDT 2007

To correctly set these radios for AM one should have some type of waveform 
monitor such as the old Heath SB-610 or HO-10.

One thing that I noticed with my Omni VII and the 708A mike.  The Positive 
modulation peaks were not 100% when the negative peaks were hitting 100%. 
The solution, reverse the Red and White wires in the XLR-4 connector that 
plugs into the back of the mike.  Once this was done, the positive 
modulation is equal to the negative modulation.  Without a waveform monitor 
being a Heath SB-610, I'd never seen the issue.  And yes, it takes more mike 
gain for AM than for SSB.

Even with the Heath Apache and the RCA BC transmitter I have found that mike 
phase does make a difference in modulation symmetry.  A monitor scope will 
tell the true story.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ac9s at mchsi.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Orion II AM Mic Adjustment

>I have begun to play with AM on the O2 and it appears the microphone 
> are significantly different than with SSB.  I am running a Heil Goldline
> through an NCS multiswitcher.  With the current gain setting on the NCS 
> box I
> have the red led on the O2 flickering with the O2 software mic setting at 
> 18.
> Today I checked in with an AM group on 3875khz and was informed that my 
> audio
> was light.  Sure enough, there was no flicker on the led.  I turned the 
> mic
> gain almost up to 100 - I could see increased gid current on my amplifier, 
> but
> never a sign of the led lighting.  The group informed me the audio level 
> had
> increased, but that it was still a little on the light side.
> Does the LED work on AM?  Should the mic gain be radically different 
> between
> SSB and AM?  I didn't see anything specific in the manual.
> Thanks for any input on the proper way to set the mic gain on AM.
> Keith
> AC9S
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