[TenTec] Omni VII Question

d.e.warnick at comcast.net d.e.warnick at comcast.net
Thu Oct 4 09:13:50 EDT 2007

Same thing works on my Omni VI+, Corsair II and Paragon. It's good to hear that others do it this way, too

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Dennis OConnor <ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com> 

> Too much hiss? Turn the RF gain down... 
> With no tune, everything automatic radios, the new generation of hams 
> operating rice boxes have become too used to plugging it in, turning it on, and 
> operating... 
> They never learned the lessons that we old farts, who had to make do with the 
> single IF stage, no crystal filter, barn door wide front end, junkboxes that 
> passed for radios on those days knew by heart... 
> If you really want to heat that weak signal on a noisy band - turn off the 
> AGC, turn down the RF gain, turn up the audio big time, go to a wider filter, 
> use headphones, and ride the RF gain as your volume control... 
> I'm running an Orion and I still do this on a really weak one... 
> denny / k8do 
> denny / k8do 
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