[TenTec] External Speaker for OMNI VI+ Best Choice?

Kevin Purcell kevinpurcell at pobox.com
Wed Oct 10 13:44:37 EDT 2007

And the patrioic paragraphs ...

> Sounds Sweet  speakers are assembled and finished in the U.S.A.
> Sounds Sweet speaker cabinets are manufactured in the U.S.A. out of  
> U.S. produced fiberboard, sealants, dampening materials, fasteners  
> and finishes and packaged in U.S. produced packaging.

So the bits that make the sound, the speaker and any other electronic  
bits, aren't actually made in the USA :-)

On Oct 10, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Paul Gates, KD3JF wrote:

> I about fell off my chair when I saw the price. But, sure would  
> like one someday.

Kevin Purcell
kevinpurcell at pobox.com

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