[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Tom Berry tberry1 at triad.rr.com
Wed Apr 16 16:13:31 EDT 2008

> Just curious where you are comming from?
> Am I missing something here?
 Lee,  No you are not missing anything.   It is correct that I have paid for
the radio and have a resonable expectation
of some good firmware.   Guess what I am saying is that I would pay for some
top-of-the-line firmware for a
third party if it were available.  I do agree that Ten-Tec should continue
to update the firmware.   Maybe have
two paths for obtaining firmware.   One from Ten-Tec and another company.
Now I can see a disadvantage to
this approch, it may make Ten-Tec a little slower in bringing out their
updates but they would also have the incentive
to keep thier firmware in good shape since the would get nothing from the
3rd party updates.

After rereading what I have typed , I am not sure I have explained it very
well.  probably the reason I'm not in the radio business.

I am not suggesting that Ten-Tec start charging for the firmware updates.
Don't think they could do that at this point.

73 Tom AA4VV

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